Our always active,friendly and flirty baby has not begun to feel shy around strangers yet, they say it's his next developmental mile stone.He has begun to pull himself to standing and can hold himself up, from there he might get "stuck" standing up in his crib.
Alexander is now exploring objects by shaking them, banging them, dropping them, and throwing them before falling back on the tried-and-true method of gumming them.
Alexander has figured out that pushing off with his knees gives him just the boost he needs to go mobile. As he gains proficiency, he'll learn to go from a crawling position back into a sitting position. He'll also master the advanced technique that pediatrician William Sears calls "cross-crawling" — moving one arm and the opposite leg together when he moves forward, rather than using an arm and a leg from the same side. After that, practice makes perfect. Look for him to be a really competent crawler by the time he's a year old. HA HA! He will be walking, Eric and I are sure of it.
Can you believe last year I was 24 weeks pregnant.