Sunday, April 21, 2013

Easter, Sebastians first Easter

 I'm sure someday Sebastian wont like this picture but its just so darn cute!!!!!!!

 Look at those boys being so cute!

 Even Mom's gotta get into the action!!!

 Orange Park perfect place for a Picnic and Easter egg hunt

 Kite time..

 and it's on , the Easter Egg Hunt of 2013
 Alexander and Orion rushed off in different directions to get as many eggs as possible.
 Forget the basket, I'll just grab them and run

 Checking out all the loot....

 and can you believe it the Easter Bunny came to the house too!
 How did the bunny know Alexander wanted a Rescue Bot!

 Easter Outfit from our new Birthday Buddy!

 My Boys!!!!
Can someone say spoiled!!! Both boys had two baskets each and Sebastian isn't even 6 months yet!

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